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Dyke- Died Living the Meme Dream

Fellow Memer Dyke Found Dead After Steamed Ham Overdose


     Dyke, a Sandbox Big Brother player and member of the Heaven Clique was found by the gates of St. Peter the other day. Her body was last seen at the house of Principal Seymour

Skinner. The reason why she was there or how she died remain a secret -

until now?.


We talked to fellow season four player Knife about the situation. “I can’t say

I’m too surprised to see her there, but I’m shocked to see her dead. She would

always say in our season house chat something around the lines of ‘Well

Seymour, I made it - despite your directions.’ None of us ever knew what it 

meant, we just kinda rolled with it. I think she tried to call us out when she             May she rest in hammy peace

was evicted, but the memes took over her.”


Season four winner itxLuca also spoke with us about the sudden death. “Yeah, I’ll bet she just overdosed on those steamed hams. She probably just kept reciting the script until it led her to Skinner’s house. How she got in a cartoon show? I’ll never know. I guess she just became one with the meme.”

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