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Jpriced - A Known Abuser

A History Of Power Abuse


He may look like a simple British fellow from outside - but looks are quite deceiving! Houseguest known as Jpriced is quite prone to power trips. As one victim of the wannabe dictator told us "He turned his HoH into a nightmare in SBBB3! He invented some rules to nominate people he wanted and then nominated me anyway despite following all his stupid rules!". 


This is not the only example of ego issues of this gentleman either! According to many sources he uses his name as a special emote on nearly every Discord server he is in and he has history of getting punished for using his powers for personal use in Survivor Lobby Discord.  Recent developments show that he managed to get into a power of position yet again. Many await in horror, not knowing where and how the mad man in power will strike again.

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