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Rockgirlnikki - Penguin Or Menace?

Penguin Or Bull? An Expose On The Girl Known As Rockgirlnikki


      Of all the people that Seplo from season 1 competed with, it seems that he had the harshest words over a girl that claims to be a penguin. “I thought penguins were supposed to be cool and chill, you know like the Arctic but Nikki was pretty hot headed and never really had anything nice to sa—noot.” Known for her persistent harassment of players that went further in the game (particularly the final 2 of SBB1) and looking for any opportunity to spam what Nikki describes as the best meme to come out of 2017.

When asked for their thoughts over her season, former host of SBBB1 Zeezo recalled how nervous she would be when speaking to Nikki claiming “there was something intimidating about a girl pretending to be a penguin, and what’s weird is that she seemed more like a bull to me.” Another competitor from S1, N1ed also agreed with Zeezo’s assessment; “I don’t really think she enjoyed talking to other human beings, but she did seem to really enjoy speaking with OhLookACat.”

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